Who is our ally, and who is our enemy?

Day 125, 19:59 Published in Japan Japan by Wej

I have gone through many talks with many people in the months I have been president. At first, it seemed Indonesia really wanted to ally with us (and for all i know, they still might) but things have changed, as i expected.

Since some of Yamato Suzuki's articles, i have been doing a lot of research on foreign matters. Here are some things i figured out, and my thoughts on them:

I contacted Koroush, president of Iran, to talk about the matters with Pakistan. He assured me, he most likely doesn't need Japan's help, and does not want to get our country taken over. By what i heard his plans are, I truly see no better person suited for the job of protecting his country, more then him.

I then contacted isnuwardana (which i have talked to often about Indonesia), and asked him what exactly is going on, and what are the plans of Indonesia. He answered me with this:
"The offer did make a debate within our country.
However, the final decision is to accept it, for reasons
1. We already have a Non Agression Agreement
2. Currently there are no country which wants to invade Pakistan
3. Currently there are no country which wants to Invade Indonesia
4. Securing East Asia (Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Australia) from the possible conflict of West and South Asia, with the position of Indonesia and China."

So it seems he is willing to work with us, and I am happy with that.

I then proceeded to talk to the president of Indonesia, asking him the same thing I asked isnuwardana. yanezu then replied with this:
"I"m sorry we cannot tell you about our strategy for joining our force wit h pakistan, i hope you understand , thank you"

Why can't he tell us? If there isn't some secret motif behind them joining, he could tell us right? Who is our friend and who is our enemy?

Whoever it may be, lets hope the next president of Japan can lead us to the right place.