Who Am I?

Day 1,043, 13:45 Published in USA USA by Fionia

According to my wiki page, not very important.

I have been very careful about keeping the jobs list updated, but other than that? I haven't had the time to sit down and stroke my own ego for several hours to write up an eAutobiography. So I need your help.

Yay "random" references. 😃

Several months ago, around my first eBirthday, I ran an article where I did a self-interview. I let people PM me questions, and I answered most if not all of them.

That article, with all its now-disabled formatting, can be found here.

A lot has changed in the past 8 months, and I think it's time to do this again. The questions I answer will be both published here and form the basis of my wiki page, so make sure you come up with something interesting. 😉

tl;dr: PM me questions like you're interviewing me, and I'll publish the answers here.

Signing off,