Where were YOU when Final Destiny won?

Day 445, 11:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

The Unity Party would like to formally congratulate Final Destiny, on what was an astounding win for the Coalition, and perhaps an iconic moment in eUK history. With 62% of the vote, the election on the 5th February, can only be considered a landslide victory for the newly united left wing parties. We have no doubt that Final Destiny will do us proud and wish him all the luck in the future, despite us separating once more to our private party club houses.

We would also like to thank JerryGFL for running a superb campaign throughout. Despite the flame wars that erupted on the forum, Jerry maintained the moral high ground, running a good, clean campaign in the face of overwhelming odds. You have earned the respect of this Journalist, as well as many other citizens who may not know your hard work with the Ministry of Health. Good job and good luck for next term.

To commemorate what is an unforgettable moment for our nation, The Unity Post asked some party members, where they were when Final Destiny took UKRP's keys to Number 10 and became Prime Minister of eUK.

"Oh my god, I'll always remember where I was when Final Destiny won presidency. I was milking the cows out by the orchard when the carrier pigeon came over the hedge with the news. I thought it was odd at the time, because I don't own a carrier pigeon... or a cow..." - Insane Bystander

"I was asleep. Polls closed at 8am and I'm a uni student..." - Devoted party member, John Forseti

"I was getting some late night work done when a cheer erupted from the streets. I asked 'What is the meaning of this?' 'Final Destiny is the new Prime Minister'. 'Excellent', I say..." - Hard worker, Teh User

"I was working my second volunteer shift in the TUP soup kitchens. Despite the usual sense of community spirit I was feeling from the good deed, I was having a crisis of faith in the government at large. In my mind nothing was changing, the economy and policies were stagnant: in short, I was depressed and jaded with the eCountry I was living in. Then, mid ladling, I heard a yell of such great mirth that all the occupants of the hall were compelled to go out onto the street where the sound originated from. I myself put down my utensils and followed. 'They've done it! They've only gone and done it!' A small paper boy, his peaked cap at a jaunty angle over his scruffy face was waving a bunch of newspapers, on which the bold type headline shot out at us: 'It's our Final Destiny'." - Charity worker, SKQ62

"I'd just come off shift on the Yellow Submarine. As I walked down the corridor there was a muted feel to the place - I glanced into a room and saw Bob, Malta and what seemed to be four Eco States playing poker. I couldn't decide if Bob was doing badly or he just liked being naked. Anyway, I clambered into my bunk ready to lay down my weary head when a sudden 'All hands' alert blared out all over the boat. I jumped up and rushed to my still-warm seat on the bridge. There was a loud *bang* and I swung around; Final Destiny stood there, party popper in hand. We were VICTORIOUS." - Fox Platoon Sergeant SparkieGeek

"After a short shift in the laundry-brigg, I stepped into the bridge to see various members of TUP rolling about with laughter and singing songs about the legendary of Final Destiny. On further inspection there were several drained bottles of rum, whiskey and absinthe on the floor. I'm not a drinking man, but what the hell i thought? Final Destiny has won... LET'S PARTAAYYYY" - Closet alcoholic, rolfus99*

"I heard the sounds of drums, WE WERE VICTORIOUS." - Over excited BFSte

This has been an incredible campaign this last week. The atmosphere and level of cooperation in the Yellow Submarine has been amazing. What a fun week it has been. The brilliant result was just the icing on the cake.