Where Is The Love, eIreland?

Day 1,871, 14:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

This article was inspired by a comment. One comment inspired an entire article. Where is the love? My brothers and sisters, we are on the verge of a new CP, Brian Boru, who we can all agree will bring much needed change. I believe under BB that we could stop all these clique wars and start uniting in the spirit of Greater eIreland. For the past few years we've only had a few months of relative national social harmony and unity. I do believe the very last time, perhaps the greatest time of unification, was after the December Wipe of 2010.

Cultural unity - we formally embrace the eIrish culture while accepting those who do not embrace eIrish culture. Set aside our political ideologies, our past, our prejudices and what are we all? We are all eIrish.

Support your brothers and sisters, support your comrades, and support your country. We need to end all this petty politicking and wipe eUK or some shite. Decentralization of our MU's and political parties weakens not only us as a collective force, but us as a nation and you as an individual. Only by consolidating our political parties, with a few fringe parties, can your vote really count. Only by consolidating our MU's can we pump out the most damage and you receive the most for your hard work.

With Labour's Army and the Irish People's Army joining together, we've seen significant improvements in our damage output. With this, I also want to say I think the Irish Workers Party and the Socialist Alliance of Ireland should join the Independent Labour Party. Listen comrades, I admire grassroots and creating a new movement to achieve different goals but the fact is your votes and goals will never be achievable with such a small size. Your presence would be most welcomed in the ILP and your goals are most likely compatible to our's.

So in the spirit of the Rastafari

One love. One Ireland.

Sincerely your's,