Where in the World is Grev Per.....diego?

Day 198, 06:52 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Dear Citizens of E-Sweden

I know what many of you are probably thinking? Why has the media become so boring? God there's nothing interesting at all to read. What the fuck mate?

Well I'm terribly sorry. I have to take a break and focus on writing this project in order to pass this semester. And in my usual typical manner I started this project a week ago (We were given all semester and many groups use all semester.)

Now last semester we (same group) wrote a project two weeks before hand in where I got a perfect grade. So starting EVEN later should give me an EVEN MORE perfect grade.

What this unfortunately means is that I can barely devote any time at all to E-republik. I spend all day writing this project (or drinking, or smoking) and then I sleep only to start the process again on the next day. And this will probably happen every day until the 9th. Where I will do the same thing except replace "writing this project" with the words "even more".

An update on the situation in Denmark. Danes, I have contacted President Flammbar to open negotiations for an independent Denmark. I haven't spoken with him yet but he's a reasonable guy with an intuitive eye for politics.

In short. See y'all in 5 days. I try to scan the media section on e-republik once day, but I haven't made it to any of the e-republik related forums. Skinke you've been made moderator of erepublik.dk, I'd appreciate it if you tried to stir up some activity there. 🙂 The elections for Danish president will be held when I am more active. Unless someone is willing to take up the initiative to organize them. Last time I checked the only nominees were Skinke and myself. The only need is for someone to set up an election thread in the contracts forum and PM the remaining Danish population. I'm going to work on getting those stupid 400 SEKs back from the nowhere they disappeared to.

(That is, I paid the company tax for one company, the money has not gone to copenhagen. So as of now, I'm going to set all taxes to 0 until this can be fixed.)