Where I Stand [Election Article]

Day 1,167, 10:33 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Greetings my fellow Singaporeans.

As you know I, some days ago decided to announce my intentions to run for President of this grand Republic of ours. In my announcement article I stated that I would go into more detail on my policies later in another article. Today I bring you said promised article.

Today I would like to talk to you about my stance on the recent Singo-Malay war and other military and foreign relations issues. This war showed us how frail and unstable relations between the nations of south east Asia are. It also highlighted our need for a functioning, mobile, dynamic and organized military force.

This war also showed us that eSingapore has the power to defend itself in case of an attack and even bring the war to them, I was proud to see so many eSingaporeans take up the call to arms at such short notice as well as spend so much of their personal fortunes in the name of defense of the homeland. But that should not have been necessary to the extent it was. This is where a organized military can come in handy.

In the past eSingapore had a military that was the pride of south east Asia, with the exception of course of Indonesia although that goes without saying. But I believeit is time once more for eSingapore to restore herself to the place that is rightfully hers on the world military stage. Under a dunleavy presidency a mobile military force will be created, organized and led by my minister of defense, as well as overseen by myself. I have already established a quota of 5 deployments under my term in office, and I will see to it that those are met.

Now onto foreign relations.
In a Dunleavy presidency a ministry of foreign affairs will be stronger than previous ones. I will see to it that relations with our friends in The Philippines, Thailand (the non-PTOed members of), Indonesia and of course a non-Fruitcommando led Malaysia. I will also see the establishment of an embassy to the eUS, eIreland and eAustralia. This Ministry will be responsible for weekly public press releases on affairs and relations with these nations. The Ministry will also be a great way for younger Singaporeans to get involved in the government by becoming an ambassador.

Now onto the recent war.
If elected president I will follow the policy of ABC in not negotiating with Malaysia on a peace deal until a government is elected that is not allied with Fruitcommando. I would like to say now though, to the people of Malaysia. We are your friends, we never wished to attack you. Fruitcommando and his government forced this war upon you. If you oust him from power I will personally fund a food aid program to send free food to your nation as a gesture of good will.

That's all for now folks.