Where have I been? What am I up to?

Day 751, 22:04 Published in Russia USA by R3dko

Real Life can be a tiring taskmaster at times.

I've been two clicking again for a bit will be returning into the realm of eFantasy more often now.

Part of this is because I was recently named the Deputy Ambassador to eIsrael. I will be acting in my capacity as DA to improve the strong alliance between eIsrael and the eUS.


Now.. to get you guys to vote up:

For the Japan Haters/Lovers/whatevers-- I was wanting to provide a detailed breakdown of the route eJapan has taken through history, how they got to where they are today. I wanted to take into account their sociopolitical ideologies, cultural strengths/weaknesses, and overall wierdness as a cultural. Rather than taking up your time any more than I have, I summarized all of this into a few key graphical representations:


For the Animal Lovers:

Squirrel just got accepted to Seal Team 6, ready to deploy!

It's funny now.. until kitty grows up and shreds up every piece of paper and dollar in his wallet!

And for all of the pervs:

Wonder how many packs you had to smoke to get one of these?

So True...

Stay Healthy!

Happy Holidays!!

Santa's helpers come in all shapes and sizes...

But I'd prefer having these two 'handle my gifts' 😉