Where are the Phoenix forces?

Day 771, 13:20 Published in Serbia Germany by Atlanis

Germany is overrun by epolish forces.

Where are the great Phoenix armies, why are there no Tanks in Germany, save enemy attackers. Do you think this is how you should treat an ally?
If Germany falls, Europe will fall under epolish dominion. We need to secure our remaining regions and reconquer the lost territories, not because of nationalism, but because of military needs.

Have you ever thought about the great blow the poles would get, if BBB fell back to Germany?

They wouldn´t be able to feed their exploding population and they would loose a lot of their babies or a lot of gold when the market prices rose extremly. For Poland Iron is not the most important resource but grain, because they are so numerous they win through their mass.

Do you really think you could do as you please? You build up unescessary 2.000.000 walls while we in Germany loose to a 80.000k wall it is totally idiotic to think we could stand up to a huge country like poland. We cannot boom, we can just grow slowly, but to do this we need our regions.

Ignore official orders from Phoenix HQ fight for your allies in Central Europe to hinder polish worlddominion, the only way we can really achieve something is by cutting the polish high Grain supply.

But I just want to mention something:

Why did we sign all these MPPs when now nobody is coming to help us? I hope you guys, are going to fight in Germany first thing tomorrow. Otherwise I will fall to the plan "German Oak" if you know the extrem right and extrem left groups in Germany, you will know what kind of people will start a german boom. I am sorry, but if we only loose one single region more to poland these guys will come.

We will conquer them with their own weapons,
"In reality we did it, why don´t we do it again?"
"The new eImperialist lives in ePoland, fight for the free socialist emovement!"
"Besser als langweilige Krawalldemos, Zettel richtige Revolutionen an!"

Could be some of the clauses used.


P.S.: I am not a troll, only someone concerned about the balance of power in the eWorld.