Whats the difference between Mr.Blumen and a politician?

Day 624, 13:01 Published in Russia Russia by Alexei Kiramov

Issue 4:

Whats the difference between Martin Blumen and a politician?

One is a greedy, freedom suppressing lair, and the other..... is Martin Blumen.

No this isn't eRa propaganda, it is simply an assessment. The ataman of the Cossacks party was greatly shocked by the way Martin Blumen leads his political career and his American friends were quick to say we were being screwed by our governments. Ironic no? Russians commented on the Cossack article saying he doesn't understand the way Russian people think.

The thing is, Americans (or eAmericans, same thing tbh) are brought up from an early age believing they are greatly privileged to be born in a democratic country of honour. Since 'kinder garden' they sing the national anthem everyday at school. Russians are brought up knowing the political turmoil and suppression their country has been through in the last century and have no illusions. The thing is, an un-corrupt government, is simply a government that hasn't been caught yet.

An election isn't a battle of do gooder's each trying to make their country better; it’s a competition of who can out lie the other. Now the revelation of eRa's plan with Habra was simply a mild shadow of real life politics in eRepublik. The common man is a fool and the Governments know it full welland exploit it. If every citizen really got his say like the Ataman wishes, that wouldn't be pure democracy, it would be pure anarchy. Don't let your thoughts become your prisons.

My advice is that at the next elections vote for whoever u think is the biggest lying bastard, because that my friend is the best politician. If a man can outwit his country, he can outwit our enemies!

Twisted logic I know, but it makes sense, in a way. Of course this is only my opinion.

Moving on....

So Canada has only one region left but still refuses to surrender...in style 😃 uve got to respect them for that.
I've had enough of talking about America, whenever I read their press I start losing faith in eHumanity. However, completely contradicting my last sentence, check out the American and Canadian food stocks and then the low paying jobs.Ameri-canada is not the place for newbs 😕

Hungary has got their iron region finally and we should have the Urals back soon. First the Urals, next stop Siberia! 😃

Fact of the day:
A great way to imitate how the average eAmerican looks whilst playing the game, attempt to lick your elbow. For added fun do this whilst looking in the mirror and try not to laugh. Really, bad idea, you could bite your tongue 😒

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