What We Need in V1: A Little Piece of Humanity and I ndividual Thought

Day 329, 01:03 Published in Turkey USA by PrincessMedyPi

After the October 10th party elections, I was exhausted. Prior to the elections, I was reaching out to Turkish officials to work on a peaceful resolution to their conflict with the Israeli population. I thought everything was going well...until the morning of the elections. When I awoke to find that my party was being invaded, I became brokenhearted and jaded. I thought I was making progress. I thought I had made some headway with the Turkish administration. To find out that I was wrong took an immense toll on me. I have remained in a funk, so to speak, for the past 3 days. I kept trying to write something for the people, and nothing was really coming to me. That was, until tonight.I have no idea what the future of this nation will be, but I know that it will be a dismal existence if we are not reminded of our own humanity. A month ago, we had a beautiful wedding in Turkey that united an American sex kitten and a Turkish diplomat. We all relished in the love and happiness of the time. When I announced my pregnancy, the country rejoiced at the idea of future generations of AmeriTurks leading this nation. So, what happened between then and now. Truth be told, I have absolutely no idea.I didn't see any more hostility than normal. I didn't see any threatening actions taking place. I saw nothing that prompted the drastic change in the tone of life in eTurkey. What prompted the MHC to attack our parties? I don't think I will ever know that answer for certain. I have heard talk of skepticism and a need for political domination, but I think this is really just a feedback loop. It seems as though anytime anything negative is said about the administration, it is taken as an attack against Turkey, which for the administration only reinforces the belief that only Turks should rule the government. I think this cycle needs to be stopped because here is how I see it:People outside of the administration criticize and complain because there is much work to be done. When an administration plays defensively to protect itself from criticism and attack, their play book is one of exclusion. They are trying to protect themselves from harm, which forces them into a tighter and more secluded group. What has happened in eTurkey is something that consistently happens in real life: group think. Nobody in the group has been willing to stand up and openly dissent; they have been too content to follow. In any group, you need voices that will disagree. This is the only way you can find out if what you are doing is wrong or alienating.
In this case, what happened was very wrong and inopportune. I do not condone hostile takeovers of rival parties. I do not condone offensively changing the name of a party. This maneuver has potentially cost the ability to make peace in Turkey.
With party elections around the bend, we need to consider how our actions affect our fellow citizens. Alienating large portions of a population is an extremely poor idea. It is a major threat to the stability of the country and it is absolutely terrible for the economy. What we need to remember on the 15th is that eTurkey is an ethnically mixed country. We have players here from all over the world, and as such, we need to be culturally sensitive and as inclusive as possible. Although I have been quite melancholy, I still want to give peace a chance.
Reach over and love your neighbor...who knows, they may even love you back.