What the average player can do with their spare money

Day 665, 02:23 Published in Canada Canada by Booleus

I have been trying to figure out what the best bang for your buck is if you are the average citizen:

This isnt a ministry of education article, but more something I am looking for feedback on.

The average person (if they can afford it), will live in a q5 region, fight down to 50, and heal. Ideally they will use q1 weapons so the whole ordeal will cost about 25 CAD at current prices.

For a Canadian who still has spare money around, wants to level up and rank up as quick as possible this could be accomplished by adding another 30 CAD to your daily cost.

Right now i see q2 gifts at 3.13 CAD. if you buy 10 this will cost you 31.30.

now you will get to fight a total of 7 times (about 35 CAD for weapons).

So for 36 CAD more, you can have an extra 2 fights a day. The catch to this is that it really isnt effective to do if it means you are going to go without the q1 weapons in the near future. So really this is only meant for someone who between wages/medals/other income is making 60 CAD per day.

The bonus you will get for these 2 fights is 4 exp., plus whatever damage you do will go towards your rank.

Anyone have other ideas of how the average player can increase their efficiency/level up etc. on a tight budget? Leave a comment.