What Should You Be Doing Today?: Article 2

Day 1,047, 01:19 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

So, since we think its so important I chose to interview SamGibz about Being Updated so Sam?

What do you think a loyal eSAer should do to keep updated?

The most important thing they can do is remain active and follow the orders given. I say orders but they are more advice on what you should do if you want the eSA to remain strong. I urge new citizens to learn that the government that is leading you now under Montaigne is not working for your favour but out of greed. The government that the UDA and Ministry Paper want you read and follow are those of the 'legit' or 'resistance' government that are here for you, trying to get YOUR country back. People should also check out the IRC and make themselves know, and also make sure they are active on the forum so we know we have your support. Play a game or start a conversation. Just make yourselves know to us and we will get you involved. This answers what they should do really, but not directly, for fun. To have fun, talk to us and make friends! You will have a good time if you do. By getting involved by itself will make it an enjoyable experience

IRC: http://ircip1.mibbit.com/?server=irc.rizon.net&channel=%23esouth_africa
UDA: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/democratic-dispatch-240786/1

Why should you keep updated?
So you can stay involved with the game really. If you are not updating yourself you won't enjoy it and you won't meet new friends and play the game as it is designed. It also means that by keeping updated you are able to help your country overcome this PTO and ensure we are united. But really it is all about making sure you are playing the game with the rest .

How should we respond to Government Articles?
Why listen. You don't have too. There is no real reason to do so except that by doing so you will have far more fun, get so much more out of the game and make friends that will mean something. You should follow their advice. If you have any concerns or questions, send that Ministry a question which they will be willing to answer as soon as they can.

Joseph Rich
Deputy Minister Of Social Development