What’s the USD really worth?

Day 1,263, 12:24 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States
What’s the USD really worth?
To start off the paper revival lets review the US dollar and how much its worth, comparing the USD to other countries. (Remember this is not exact this is an estimate.)
$1=1AUD (more or less)
$1=1BRL (more or less)
$1=1CNY (More or less)
$300=1COP (Don’t ask)
$290=1 GOLD
$293.59=1MYR (Don’t ask)
$3.10= 1UYU
As you can see the USD isn’t doing that well. Many other countries are doing better than us. How do we fix it? Well leave you’re comment and discuss.

Well I hoped you like this one. I am going to take the paper slow till I get my head around what’s happening since I left.
(Remember this paper will jump around in category a lot. I know I said it was gonna stay in warfare, but hey its my paper 😛)

Editor: Chris Hartman
Thanks for reading.

E-mail me at The50states@hotmail.com