What's Really Going On

Day 605, 05:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

This just in: My sources ARE correct. If you think these little "skirmishes" and "conflicts" or "Territory swaps", are simply just that, then I am speachless to as what might be wrong inside your head. Clearly, the people of France do not know of these "swaps" and, from inside sources, are starting to become agitated at the U.K.

France; a wonderful nation with wonderful culture. Some would say they are snobbish or posh even, but no one sees them as a threat. Their military lackings in the real world do not come into play here in erepublik. It would be as if one were to look at a month old map in search for up-to-date details (which is not uncommon if you compare maps.) France is a threat, not only to us, but to the world. They are coordnated, prepared, and all too eager for a Great War, perhaps versus their neighbors on those nice little islands to the north west. But, perhaps not. Does it matter? France cannot be allowed to become a major imperial power! If that happens, It'll be the 100 years war all over again, but this time, WE will be needing Joan of Arc, or at least the backing of every major country in the world.

Though this conflict won't happen this month, it will eventually happen. And when it does, people of Britain, do not let France Rule Britannia!