What's Happening With Me Today

Day 682, 08:00 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Well, today was not a good one for me economically. I was forced to close down my Q1 food company. I just can't make a profit with current salaries as high as they are. If anyone can tell me how I am supposed to compete on the job market where the average hiring salary makes me lose $15 USD per day, I would really appreciate it. I also recently bought a Q1 grain company (on accident) that I will not even attempt to run, so now I am stuck with two companies that are useless with the current market. Thankfully, if my math is correct, I can get my grain company to be profitable if I upgrade it to Q2, but that is a good 12g away. Any donations would be appreciated for those of you with deep pockets who feel generous 🙂

But, Instead of saving up just for my grain company to be put into action, I have decided to invest the remaining money from my failed food company into a Q3 house, which I have needed for some time now. Anyone who will take 7 gold and 320 USD for a Q3 house, I am in a buying mood, and will have the money tomorrow. PM if you are interested in selling.

On the bright side, I will be making General tomorrow, with only a little over 500 damage left to be done for the rank. The extra boost in damage from that should be nice on the battlefield. Well, that's all that is going on with me. Anyone with anything to offer me, a house, advice, or free gold 🙂, it would be greatly appreciated. I will most likely be writing a real article later on in the day, or tomorrow or something, about the war and stuff like that.