What Needs to Be Said

Day 916, 14:13 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

Greetings, people of Switzerland.
Before I do anything else, I'd like you all to remember that tomorrow is the Congressional Elections.

This could be the future, if you don't step up and vote!

Remember to VOTE SMART! This means voting in a region other than Romandie (move to a different region, vote, and move back), or checking the score before you vote.

Tomorrow I'll publish a list of official candidates. Make sure to check before you vote!

But as I said, there are other, more serious matters that I'd like to discuss today.

On May 5th, Eleriel won the presidential elections. It was a total victory for the free Swiss population. But many of us made the mistake of thinking that the war was over.

The Shaolins, have suffered a setback, retreated into their holes, and waited. Slowly, we allowed ourselves to believe that we had won.

We had won a major battle. But the war is not finished.

Yesterday, May 23rd, chaos ensured. The SPeS party suddenly rocketed into the Top 5, as Shaolins leaped from their hiding places.

Many SFP congressmen almost decided to leave and abandon the party. Without Eleriel's guiding hand, it was as if the Shaolins had already won.

I managed to convince most to stay in the SFP. But this should not happen.

We cannot allow Eleriel to do a one-man job. In the government, it seems as if most of the ministers have nothing to do. The minister who was the most active, PabloTortilla, left because of internal disputes. Disputes which no one else knew about because the argument was kept top-secret.

Eleriel and his crew have been doing an amazing job. Our wage is higher, gifts are back on the market, our population is self-sustainable... but we could be doing so much better.

Currently, I think what our government needs the MOST is weekly press releases. We need to inform people about the occurrences in the government. It's also critical because quite a lot of our population are new players, from the baby boom.

I'd love to see this country develop and attain a greater destiny. But we can't stop sitting back and letting others need the work.

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Good luck, all! And remember, be PENGUIN!
