What is next?

Day 1,133, 09:09 Published in South Korea South Korea by NoMoreHugs

Real Koreans have majority in congress, but not enough for laws where it`s need 66% of congress agreement. I want to ask what will happen next?

Clopoyaur, our president now, 'can`t be touch' until end of 2010. After that it has 5 days if someone wants to 'remove' him from seat.
But main question is .. Who will win on the next president election?

If some Romanian win, I think they will continue with their government but problem is that they can`t transfer money and gold to sponsor their office(department).
If some Korean win, they will continue old procedure...
But will Romanian back money and gold that they have used for 1 month to BoS?

Will everyone stop to troll in articles how other is guilty?

I think one new president, not Romanian, not Korean will be the best decision. He can peace everyone and I think everyone will trust him for money and gold(orgs where they are).