What is it good for? [PMS]

Day 848, 14:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Socialist Party UK

WAR! What is it good for? Errr… well… Quite a lot actually.

In the real world, we have politicians who ‘strive for peace’ and all that. We’ve got the UN, and all the peacekeeping stuff that goes with that. People starting wars are often referred to as ‘warmongers’ and ‘criminals’. But in the eWorld, the same patterns don’t apply. Real life green party members go out and fight the EDEN, buy weapons, and moan when peace is declared. A contradiction, surely? Well, not really, as we will soon find out…

In real life, the reason war is hated is simple: It costs human lives. An economist might say that the monetary cost of war is far more serious, but then that’s economists for you. In the eWorld, however, one cannot die in battle. The primary cost of war is wiped out. Fighting bears no personal risk. On the contrary, a nice training war can boost your abilities to a huge extent. (An economist might say that there’s a cost to the taxpayer through the whole MPP thing and wellness gifting, but then that’s economists for you.)

So if you were struggling morally, then fear no more! Grab your shotgun and head to Croatia!!

On second thoughts, don’t.

To maximise your potential, you need to fight in a far more structured kind of way. The only way of doing this is through the ARMY!! Now, the eUK military can be a horribly confusing and weird place- so, before I finish, I thought I’d put some useful links in.

http://navy.nobreakspace.com">ROYAL NAVY- requires daily activity

Royal Marines- req. daily IRC activity and 10+ strength

Please message Horice G Fossil (preferably on the forums)

Special Forces- Requires strength 14+ and daily IRC activity.

Please message Tom Morgan in-game or on the IRC.

Good luck and happy battling!!!