What Is Democracy?

Day 820, 12:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by cct_84

Dear eMalaysians,

After the Pakatan Rakyat Party insiden, i had receieve many pm from eMalaysian and they promise me they will try to get back Pakatan Rakyat. I really appreciate that but i need to stated here, Pakatan Rakyat is not "My" party, Pakatan Rakyat is eMalaysians' party.

Many of them saying that just forget about this insiden and installed back the name, but what i hope is eMalaysian should always remember this insiden and become a teaching to them.

I hope this can be a lesson to all emalaysian.

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What is democracy?

do democracy means if we are not agree with other then we can do anything to deny their voice?

do democracy means minority should follow majoirity will? so majority no need to take care of minority?

do democracy means majority means everything?

please think about that...

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And one more thing, i am going to resign my congressman position however i will still support nevvven leadership.

For ex-PR supporters, if you still believe in PR spirit, you are welcome to join this Organization (Secretariat of Pakatan Rakyat) or Pakatan Rakyat forum.

former Pakatan Rakyat President

Please visit Pakatan Rakyat forum