What Can The Unity Party Do For You?

Day 431, 13:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Tomorrow is the big election day, and I hope you all will be voting for a candidate that best represents you. We urge all citizens of eUK to read the manifestos of the candidates, and think carefully before placing your vote. To be a good Congress person, one needs to be active, dedicated and hard working. Make sure your choice is based on these attributes, rather than party banner.

What can The Unity Party do for you?

It may seem odd that I just told you to make your decisions based on the individuals, rather than the party orientation, and then move on to pimp my own party; but please bare with me.

The Unity Party has made special effort to ensure that our Congress candidates will be active civil servants, who will be involved in the workings of eUK government on a daily basis; in short, candidates worth voting for.

How? You may ask.

1. As many unrecognised members as possible have been removed from the candidate list before the elections have even started! This means candidates that are standing will have the ability to do the job, rather than making up the numbers.

2. All TUP candidates MUST provide a manifesto. We encourage you NOT to vote for any candidate that has not made this effort. Someone who has taken the time to sell themselves are more deserving of the role of Congressman, regardless of party membership.

3. TUP have recently employed a Party Whip. It is the job of the Whip to ensure all elected Congress people do the job they have been elected to do. This will involve rewarding good Congressmen, and condemning those that let the party down. Our Congressmen WILL be active and competent. That is our guarantee.

The Unity Party want to do a service to you. We do not want to let you down.

The Candidates

East Midlands

East of England


North East

North West
Teh User

Northern Ireland
Liam Smith
Jacen Molare

South West

Imperator Maximus - No presentation, endorsed by the party.

West Midlands

Yorkshire and Humberside
Count Drakula
Iain Keers

Vote The Unity Party January 2009