What BUZZY Really Thinks- To current congressman

Day 581, 21:56 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

" if you look at some of the articles I have written, you would see that I have taken many opportunities to speak out against this whole idea of government transparency. I am sorry, I do what I do, I do it well, and I don’t need to prop up ego tripping congressmen with information they don’t need just so they feel somewhat important"

Buzzy apparently thinks that congressman does not need to know what an administration is doing behind the scenes,

Basically he is saying that congress is in effect useless and a thorn in the administrations side, luckily this is not coming from our president Buzzy. This is coming from an imposter pretending to be president, with Gzen our real president’s hands being tied behind his back by Sadeh and Buzzy.
This is not a personal attack, just informational for voting purposes in the future.