What An Odd Year - Chapter One - Four[Get Caught Up]

Day 751, 07:22 Published in USA Austria by Ciel Phantom

Chapter 1-Some strange friends.
______Kenji yawned, then flipped off his covers. He then slowly got up and rubbed his eyes, then went downstairs. "Yo!" he said as he saw his mom at the kitchen. "Thank god it's Saturday..." he mumbled then grabbed some cereal and enjoyed a good mornings breakfast. Today was the day when him and his long lost friend were supposed to meet again. He ran up and got his clothes on, then ran down. The time was exactly 10:20. He flipped on some cartoons to pass the time. He took a nap then woke up, seeing it was 2:20.
______&quot😉rat!" he said as he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door. He was twenty minutes late. He ran to the library, which was only two blocks away. He dashed past a corner then yelled "Woohoo!" He flipped open the door to find his friend waiting for him. "Finally!" the friend mumbled as Kenji opened the door. "Hey Eiji, how have you been?" Kenji asked with a half smirk half grin. "Pretty good. You?" Eiji said, nodding. "I've been good. Just a little tired. Anyway...Eiji" Kenji said with a huge smirk on his face. "W-What is it?!" "You get a girlfriend yet?" he asked, the smirk growing wider. "Actually...I have!" Eiji replied with an excited tone. "Alright...Then who is she?" Kenji asked. "U-Uhm...Her name...Was...Uh-" Eiji said as he bolted to the back of the library. Kenji followed with a wider smirk and said "You don't have one, do you..." Eiji replied "...Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Do you?" Kenjis smirk vanished as Eiji asked that question. "Um...No...But still!" Kenji protested. "Anyway, I got a friend for you to meet." Kenji said as he told Eiji to follow him.
______He sprinted out the door, Eiji behind him. Kenji bolted in the ice cream shop, unamazed to see Hideaki there. "You took me here just for ice cream?!" Eiji said, growling. Kenji was too busy singing the ice cream truck song in his head, then said "Nope." Kenji walked over to Hideaki, who was sitting with another boy. Kenji and Eiji grabbed seats next to Hideaki and said
______"Hey Hideaki. This is Eiji...The guy I told you about." Hideaki examined Eiji thinking "Hmm...This guy looks like a guy worth pranking. I might as well do it." Kenji then turned and pointed at Damion, saying "Who is he?!" Hideaki sighed then said &quot😉amion. One of my targets-I mean friends." "...Bitch" Damion replied. "Yo!" Kenji said as he shook his hand out for Damion. As Damion shook, Hideaki thought of his plan, then got one. He ducked under the table, then placed some money near the door. He then tied it to a string and tied the other end to a glue, which he put on top with a couple of feathers. Hideaki returned to the table then said "Hey Eiji, I dropped some money, mind getting it for me?" "I'll get it...But it's mine!" Eiji said as he rushed over to get the money. He grabbed the money and yelled "Woohoo! Free money!" Then looked up and gulped. Hideaki smirked as he looked at the string and thought "Sucker." "Eiji yelled "NOO!" then got covered with glue and feathers. Hideaki snapped a picture, then bursted out laughing.

Chapter Two-The Torture of Homework.
______"Sweet...This is so going on youtube." Hideaki said as he flipped his phone in his pocket. "Can I keep the yen...?" Eiji said, blinking twice then snatching it. Kenji just shook his head and thought "Man...These guys are weird." "So...Free ice cream for me!" Eiji announced proudly at his winnings. Eiji brought the money over to the guy at the counter, then said "...Vanilla please!" The man at the counter said "Sorry, we ran out of Vanilla." Eiji then sighed and said "No Vanilla...Stay calm Eiji...Stay clam..." He slouched back in his chair, depressed of not having his winnings. Kenji then gets up and says "Vanilla please!" The guy at the counter then says "Hey look...We found some Vanilla. Well...This is the last scoop. Please enjoy!" Wha?!" Eiji said as Kenji started to lick his ice cream. "They...Told me they had no Vanilla..." Eiji said with a depressed tone in his voice." "Ah well...Don't worry." Hideaki said. "If it makes you feel any better, I caught a picture of you crying over Ice cream." "NOOOOOO!" Eiji said as he slouched in his chair again.
______"So..." Eiji said as the four of them walked out of the shop. "Is that really going on youtube...Cause you know...I don't want to ruin my reputation now..." "You have no reputation..." Damion said with a grin. "True..." Eiji replied. "Wait...Where is Kenji?" Eiji said and turned his head. On a note on the ground it said "We have your friend...Kenji...Come between the next ten minutes or he will be killed...We will see you at the warehouse...Good bye." Eiji read the note with tears in his eyes and handed it to the others. They both sighed, feeling bad for Kenji. They then heard a huge laughing sound and found Kenji, hiding behind a tree watching them read the note. "W...What?!" Eiji proclaimed as he saw Kenji. "Ah...That gave me a good kick. " Kenji said. He checked his watch...It was 9.
_______"OH CRAP!" Kenji yelled as he ran back to his house. "I FORGOT TO DO MY ESSAY!" he yelled, bolting back to his house. He opened the door, then quietly closed it. His mom was waiting for him by the door. "Hey Kenji...Did you complete your homework?" "Yes Mom..." Kenji mumbled as he tried to sneak out. He opened the door a creak and said "I...Uh...Forgot my sandwich!" then bolted out. He then thought about what he said "I forgot my sandwich...What was I thinking? God I'm dead..."

Chapter 3-Girl Challenges!
_____"Wait up guys!" was the yell from Eiji as he tried catching up to Damion, Hideaki, and Kenji. Eiji ran up to them then turned and said "Well...Another boring day of class." Damion agreed and said &quot😉amn right." The group took a turn and went off to the sidewalk, the school a little bit ahead of them. "Meet you guys at lunch!" Eiji said running ahead of the group. He wasn't watching his step and bumped into a girl. She went by the name Roxie. "I-I'm sorry!" Eiji said as he got back up. "J-Just a little bit clumsy is all...Anyway, Hi! My names Eiji...I looks forward to seeing you." Right as Eiji said that he got an elbow from Hideaki who said "Hi Miss! My name is Hideaki...I wish to see you-" Slam! Damion slammed into him, pushing him away. "Hello...Miss. My name is Damion. It is great to see your acquaintance..." Damion said giving her a flower. Roxie blushed and said "Thank...You! I guess I will see you guys all soon then..."
_____ "What was that guys?! I actually had a chance with her!" Eiji exclaimed as Roxie walked away. "In your dreams dude. She's mine..." Damion said with a grin. "Yours?!" Hideaki yelled scowling. Kenji sighed and said "You three...How about this. You compete to see which person she likes the most. No pushing, interrupting, etc." "Sounds fair." they all agreed and headed off to school. Kenji yawned and said "Girls...You never know."
______ Right then and there, Hideaki, Eiji, and Damion rushed off to class feeling a sense of glee that they would win. "Who the hell are you?" the boy said walking near Kenji. "Uh...Kenji...Wait...Aren't you in my homeroom?" "Maybe..." the boy exclaimed with a smirk. "Maybe if you give me...Some money...I'll tell you!" "Hell no." Kenji said scowling. "I already know your name anyway. Isn't it...Sorrow?" Kenji remarked again. "You know my secret...I guess I'll just have to kill you!" Sorrow joked as he walked inside the school. "Later dude." Sorrow said. "Later." Kenji said back as he walked inside the building.
_____ &quot😉amnit Hideaki it's my turn!" Damion yelled. "Hell no I get the first try!" Hideaki yelled back. "...What about me?" Eiji said pointing to himself. "Butt out!" they both said together. "If you think you're going to win then think again..." Damion said smirking. "Oh we'll see who wins..." Hideaki said, smirking back.
_______ Day 1: Eijis try. "Hello there! I never got your name...I'm...Eiji!" he said pointing at himself. "I'm Roxie! Nice to meet you." she said back. "I like your...Jeans?" Eiji said with a puzzled look. "I'm wearing shorts...Idiot." Roxie said back. "I knew that!" Eiji said, trying to look smart. "Anyway...See you...Later?" Eiji said with another puzzled look. "Bwah!" Eiji yelled. He just got pushed by Damion who yelled "Times up!"
_______ Day 2: Hideakis try. Hideaki got out of the house early and wore his lucky jacket. He needed all the luck he could get if he wanted to win her over. He took a quick right turn and ran into the school. He then located Roxie and ran over. "Why hello there. Miss. Very nice weather we are having." Hideaki said, smiling. "Yes, it is." Roxie said back. "Yes...Very nice weather." Hideaki said, with a duller tone. "I don't see why I'm here again..." Hideaki said walking away.
_______ Day 3: Damions try. Damion walked out of his house and smiled. He thought "These bozos can't win...Cannot! I'll just dazzle her with my charm." He looked right and saw a patch of pink flowers. He thought "Hmmm...Do you think she will like it? I should try..." He then picked up one flower and headed off to school again. He followed the rode down and made a right. He then walked up to the school and spotted her near the door. He was going to make his move. "You look very excellent today as usual." Damion said calmly. Roxie giggled and said "Thank you." He held up the flower and said "I picked this for you...Would you like it?" Roxie blushed and said "Yes please!" "Anyway..." Damion said with confidence. "Are you free on Friday? I was wondering if you wanted to go to a...Movie." "Yes, I'm free and I'll surely go!" Roxie said, smiling. "Okay, then it's on!" Damion said as the bell rang. He was late for homeroom but it was so worth it.

Chapter 4-The stranger
_____ "Heh...I won." Damion said gloating to Eiji and Hideaki. "We let you win!" they yelled back. Kenji just chuckled and continued walking with the group. "Hey guys. Want to hit the arcade? I got some money, so it's all good." Kenji said, yawning. "Sure!" Hideaki and Damion replied. "Sweet...FREE FOOD!" was Eijis response. They hit a left and continued walking down they street corner and entered a room with bursts of red, black, yellow, green, and blue lights. They walked inside and found a tall black haired boy around there age leaning against the wall with an ipod.
_____ "Yo!" Kenji said walking over to the strange person. "What do you want..." the person mumbled as he kept listening to his ipod. "Nothing really, you just looked like someone I knew is all." Kenji said walking away. "Wait..." the person said taking off his shades. "You Kenji?!" "Ko-Kotaro!" Kenji yelled as he ran to him. &quot😉ude, I missed you. Where have you been?!" Kenji exclaimed. "I just moved a way for a bit is all. Hey, you here to game also?" Kotaro said as he glanced at Kenji. "Yup, lets go by tickets." Kenji said as Kotaro and the group followed him. Kenji bought his ticket and passed the gate. Same with Kotaro and Damion. Hideaki, on the other hand set his trap. He plopped himself down behind the gate and placed a ticket he wrote. It said "Come to Ice Creams McIcecream shop! All you can eat Vanilla with this pass!" He then placed glue on it and put it on the floor. He then waited for Eiji to pass.
_____ "Sweet, a free Vanilla pass!" Eiji yelled as he ran for it. Just then as he grabbed it, Hideaki reached his hand in Eijis pocket swiftly and pulled out some cash. Frowning, Hideaki wanted more for his winnings but he thought it was okay. "Anyway, lets go game! Meet me back at the snack place by 1. Later!" Kenji said, rushing for the games. Kotaro yawned and headed to the snack bar. He was in no rush to waste all his money like those fools. "Can I have some Dr. Pepper?" Kotaro said to the man. "Sure. It will be $5." Kotaro handed him the money and got his soda. He sat down and took out the little note he had found earlier. "This is your clue...Think about it wisely. Where the place is red, yellow, white, and brown with every flavor. You may have a treat. Cold and soft like icey feet." As he read it over, he knew where it was. The ice cream shop.
_____ 1: 00. "Hi guys! Snack time!" Eiji said growling with hunger. "So Kenji, what are ya going to get me?" Eiji said, smirking. "I said I'd pay for the games...Not the good." Kenji said grinning. "Ah well. I have some leftover money!" Eiji exclaimed as he reached into his pocket. "W-What?" Eiji said sobbing. "I...Have no money." Eiji said as he slowly moved to the corner. Kotaro shrugged and started gaming. He already had some food and a drink. He went over to a little machine. He shrugged and put a token in. It slowly went down a ramp and spun into the smallest trap that said "Bonus!" around it. He looked down at the bottom and it said "Ask the man at the desk about this. Winner, Winner!"
_____ Kotaro walked over to the desk. He saw a man with a bright purple and blue uniform. He handed the slip to him. "Heh...It's been a while since we had a winner." "Even a deluxe coupon...You get lucky man." the man said. He walked over to the little drawer and pulled out 5 tickets. "You win a free vacation to Florida, dude." "Sweet!" Kotaro replied, anxious to go. "You can use these tickets from any time this month or next month. Enjoy. As Kotaro was thinking about it, he remembered his ticket. He ran over to the ice cream shop and got a Vanilla. He was thinking "Man...Am I lucky."
_____ Next chapter...Chapter 5! The vacation.