Wellness – Get it Up and Keep it Up!

Day 907, 01:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma
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I want to help you get it up; your wellness, that is!

There are many kind citizens who are excited to help you as well.

“But, Dycey, why is wellness so important?”

Excellent question! There are several reasons:

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1 – When you run out of wellness you die. That’s a bad thing – lol!

2 – Your wellness affects your productivity on the job. Higher wellness = higher productivity. Higher productivity = more stuff for your employer to sell (= happy employer). More sales = more taxes (= happy government). More taxes = more services for our citizens (= happy citizens). So, when you work with high wellness you make us all happy!

3 – Your wellness affects the damage you can deal out during a battle. “Hey, Dyce,” you may say, “Why is it that even though I fight with the same Q weapon each time, my damage goes down?” Ah! Well, you lose 10 wellness every time you hit the Fight button. As your wellness goes down, so does your damage.

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And we don’t want things going down, do we? Of course not! Let’s get it up and keep it up! Here are 10 ways to do it:

1 – Move to Northern Cape; that’s where our hospital is. Having the ability to heal after fighting can mean the difference between life and death for your account.

2 – Shop Well: Do the math on working and training. What’s the Q Level of your company? That’s how much wellness you’ll lose every time you push the work button. Training costs you another wellness point. Ideally, you should eat bread that’s equal or higher than the Q you lose daily.

Note: Speaking of work, work in the right Q company. If your skills are still low, you’re not making a lot of money. However, sometimes it’s easy to get tempted to work for a high Q company because the wages seem good. However, unless the wages are so high that you can afford gifts regularly, you’re going to end up losing. Be very careful.

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3 – Make sure you have food in your inventory. You lose 4 wellness each day you don’t eat. If you’re going to be on holiday, stock up on food. If you don’t have enough spaces to cover the days you’ll be gone, get a friend to donate food to you.

4 – Always heal after fighting. There are things to remember here: You can only visit the hospital once each day. Your maximum wellness gain is 50 points, so be very careful about how many times you hit that fight button. Also, be aware of the time if you’re fighting near day change. If reset occurs between hitting Fight and hitting Heal, no wellness for you!

5 – Think about buying a house. Here’s the link to the Wiki article on House ownership and wellness:
“But Dycey, I hate math!”
Me, too. Just buy a house.

Note: There have been several housing scams in the game over the past couple months. Unscrupulous players will have you send them gold then will send you a Q1 food instead of the house. When Admin checks they see donations going in both directions so you’re basically screwed. Having a contract no longer helps as Admin won’t enforce them. So, buy your house from someone who comes highly recommended or from the Marketplace.

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6 – “But I can’t afford a house!”
Can you afford an org? An org provides extra storage for weps, gifts, all sorts of handy things. Plus, your org can gift you up to 10 wellness per day. Just remember, “Donate” hands someone a nicely wrapped gift, while “Offer Gift” increases wellness.

7 – “But I can’t afford an org!”
Well, there’s a solution for that as well. You can get a friend and friends are free! Find a gifting buddy. Buy gifts and Donate them to your buddy who turns around and Offers them to you. As with an org, a friend can offer you 10 wellness per day.

Yet Another Note: You can’t use both a friend and an org to get 20, no no. You can only receive 10 wellness per day. After that it’s Wellness Packs.

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8 – Ah, yes. Wellness Packs. They make Admin very happy. For 2 of your hard-earned Gold you receive 10 wellness. This can be handy when you want to tank in a battle … or if you’re rich.

9 – Get involved in the Military! Military organizations and your brothers in arms want you at your best. They will usually help you with wellness gifts, especially right before battle.

10 – Contact the eSouth African Health Center, located in the Department of Social Development Section of the Forums (http://forums.erepubliksa.com/index.php) . The eSAHC is staffed with kind and caring citizens who are happy to help.

“Dycey, I know all of this.,” some of you are saying. “I came by to see how I can help.”

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Well, let me start my answer by saying this: I love you!

Yes, there are things you can do.

1 - Donate! The eSAHC depends on donations. Help them help others by donating gifts and money.
Here’s their link: [url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/2162928[/url]

2 – Participate in the “Charity Begins at WORK” program. The next time you work, take a moment to look at the employees list. Does someone have low wellness? Do they seem to be missing work days? If so, let me know. I’ll check in with them to see if eSAHC and one of our wonderful Mentors can lend them a hand.

Thanks for your time, South Africa! Thanks for caring. I hope you’ll make your wellness and that of your neighbors a priority.
Together we can get it up and keep it up!