Welcome to DIB (Donovanator's Industries/Bank)

Day 479, 17:30 Published in USA USA by Donovanator's Industries/Bank

Last update😛 April 4, 2009

We have only one rule for employees:
1. Be aware that I will adjust your salary to fit your productivity- by the way, I pay $0.75 per log.
2. Focus on increasing wellness, that way you produce more, and cause more damage when in battle (the greater good). If you have any gifts, send it to us and we will give you the gift to increase wellness.
2. Never leave just because your salary is too low..PM me first.

Now.....We took the highest paying job and we subtracted it by (q1 + the quality of the Co.) Food.
(Unless it is a negative deficit -then we don't count that.) , and then add that margin to the price of q2 food. This equals to "Take home" we do our best to get at least the same "take home" as the highest offer on the market.

Skill 1: $2.25
Skill 2: $3.75
Skill 3: $6.00
Skill 4: $8.00

Current Employees
Tacitus Arkenseale
Aleksey Generozov
Aliza Cornet
Raoul Juke
Marcus Fonellius
