Welcome! And important stuff!

Day 624, 07:11 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

Hello to all the new Thais that are joining this great nation called... wait, wtf is this called? Someone decide on a name already! 😛

We have a national forum located here. Y'all should sign up, because thats where a lot of the important discussion and stuff takes place. You got a new name to suggest? Post it on the forums! You think Naruto is a wayy superior manga to Death Note? Reply to this fact of life at the forums! 😛

Also, the government has cleared all our Senate seats so that more Thais can participate in the decision making process. Basically a Senator has same access levels as a Congressmen except they can't vote in game. Until the next Congress elections, this is the best way for Thais to be politically represented. You can sign up to the Senate through our forums (http://e-malaysia.hostzi.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=31) - for some reason I can't make this clickable 🙁

Also, we have an official IRC channel at #erepublik.my at www.rizon.net'>www.rizon.net

If you don't know how to access IRC@rizon, just go to www.rizon.net/chat.php and type in your nickname and #erepublik.my into the chat room and it'll take you there. Once there, we can help you with whatever problems and questions you might have 🙂

Thats all I have from now, see you in the forums and the IRC!