Weekly Congress Update

Day 777, 15:41 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Weekly Congress Update

It's that time of the week again! Although, this was due to be released on Sunday. Next update I hope to release it on Sunday, so look out for the update.

Well, it has been a slow week in terms of Law Proposals. Not much progress in this area this week, so I will also be giving an update on my other projects. More details below:


Tax change: Diamonds

Proposed by Mmarac, 6 days ago

Taxes New Old
Value added tax (VAT) 0% 0%
Import Tax 2% 0%
Income Tax 2% 0%

REJECTED - 10 : 13

My Vote: No


Proposed by Ciacho, 5 days ago

Do you agree to transfer 270 MDL from the country accounts to Austrian Central Bank?

ACCEPTED - 19 : 7

My Vote: Yes

Tax change: Moving Tickets

Proposed by Mmarac, yesterday
Debate Area

Taxes New Old
Value added tax (VAT) 3% 5%
Import Tax 30% 15%
Income Tax 4% 5%

ACCEPTED - 17 : 7

My Vote: No


Proposed by Travis James, yesterday

Do you agree to transfer 22 SEK from the country accounts to Austrian Central Bank?

ACCEPTED - 20 : 5

My Vote: Yes

Issue Money

Proposed by Stoneman, 4 hours ago
Debate Area

Do you agree with the proposal to issue 6000 ATS for 30 GOLD?

PENDING - 13 : 2

My Vote: Yes


Open Solution to Company Owners - Success

New Citizen Initiative - Success

Presidential Endorsement - Success

Thanks for reading!
Thanks in advance for votes and subscriptions!

~Ciel Phantom, Socialist Party, Congress!~