Weapons for eBabies to fight in eCroatia

Day 1,021, 07:40 Published in Poland Croatia by Dagislav

Weapons for eBabies to fight in eCroatia

I am giving off the weapons for fight in eCroatia, region Slavonia.
Weapons for eBabies to fight in eCroatia

Weapons issued to the eBabies:
25 rifles q1
2 rifles q2
1 rifle q5
1 cannon q1
2 choppers q1
8 tanks q1
2 tanks q3
moving tickets for 1 zone upon special request

1. Citizenship of eRomania, ePoland, eSpain or eCroatia.
2. Level up to 22 (inclusive)
3. Minimum skill for the weapons requeste😛 4 (Marksman)

Put the request in the comment. No vote and/or sub necessary. One item per citizen shall be issued!

The right not to issue the weapon to the citizen suspected of actually being a Phoenix citizen is reserved.

Action lasts until midnight CET, 6th to 7th September

EDIT! 5 rifles q1 were donated by citizen GurtDzo, 2 tanks q3 by citizen sin696-e, 1 tank q3 by citizen vuki07, 1 helo q1 and 1 rifle q5 by citizen Genetrix, and 1 tank q4 by citizen Osculton.

EDIT! Action closed!