We win :)

Day 887, 04:44 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by Astrodew

1.6 million damage from France's mobile forces in Rhone Alps - more than any other country except Poland, and that's without an MPP!
We won Russia vs Poland + MPPs - twice! Both Pommerania and Brandenburg are Russian, and Poland hasn't got any decent MPPs to use against Russia
Poland is out of Western Europe completely - trapped again behind Germany and France
Serbia defended Sindh, Liaonang, Inner Mongolia + Inner Mongolia RW all at the same time! (big waste of gold blocking all of Asia!)
Hungary still holds Helionjiang, has activated MPPs against Romania and Croatia (remember how far they got solo vs all of EDEN - three Romanian regions)
Poland has lost 20K people (MTs in Slovenia >0.7 gold), and wasted 4000 gold on war with Mexico. Except some babies to start rage-quitting.
Spain has 18 MPPs activated against it. The cost of attacking Rhone Alps is neutralised as Spain just attacked it AND NoB. It willl be impossible for them to constantly hold Rhone Alps, Aquitaine and Languedoc.
We still hold WA and Limpopo.
We win.
Hail Phoenix!
Hail Entente!
PS: Here is an EDEN view on this: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/day-886-ends-up-to-be-a-complete-disaster-for-eden--1320672/1/20
