We're The Good Guys

Day 465, 12:03 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson
---Letter From The Editor---

I would just like to say: RWAR. Fucking finally.

- Editor-on-the-Edge
Hari Michaelson

For every dozen or so people chanting RWAR, you can find at least one person opposing it.

"If we do this, we're no better than the imperialists like eIndonesia and eRomania!'

I call for every citizen in the New World to stop saying the word "imperialist". It has become tired, over-used, and honestly no-one is buying into it anymore. The people that hold high-minded ideals about the eUSA being a world power that is somehow "above" or "better than" these sort of actions is simply the only person not laughing at a joke that everyone else gets. This act of branding any nation who expands territorially an "imperialist" allows us to sit back and enjoy our moral high-ground while the "imperialists" continue to expand in power and influence.

No one cares but you.

"People are just going to think of us as prick eAmericans!

At what point does this really matter? Why do we become pricks the moment we decide to step foot outside of our own land? And once again, why does it really matter?

I'm sure tons of people see the eIndonesians, eRomanians, eNorwegians, eIranians and ePakistanis as pricks. Look at how much that has effected the growth of their nations.

"We're picking on eMexico! We're taking out a tiny little poor nation! We're bullies!"

I guess we should go pick a fight with somebody who'll stomp us instead.

There are no good guys. There are no bad guys. There's only power, and the more time we spend patting ourselves on the back for not going after it, the more time we give others to take it.

I'll take despised over conquered any day.

The Muckraker: Demanding satisfaction since before it was cool.