We Must ALL Participate to Solve Our Problems!

Day 380, 23:52 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

Regardless of the results of today's election, I just want to publicly reaffirm the commitment of myself and Black Lion Front to the expansion of direct democracy and public participation in South Africa. We are facing a lot of varying and complicated issues in our nation today and it's best we all come together to work out a solution. This active participation by ALL CITIZENS is hugely important and much more effective than basing opinions off of a few articles most people don't bother reading and a yes/no vote in the senate.

Brendan Austerion has set up the official South Africa forum a short time back and I encourage ALL citizens to join and discuss events.


Only by coming together as one can we solve our problems. Regardless if I become your president tomorrow or not I hope you will all join me in taking part in making South Africa a better place.