We Got Da Powa!

Day 854, 16:16 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

It's that time of year again! Yup, it's the CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS!
If any of you remember last time, the Shaolins destroyed us at Congress, allowing them to PTO our presidency. Why did they do so good at Congressional Elections? Well, the Congressional Elections isn't a pure democracy like the Presidential Elections. Instead, different regions need different amount of votes. The Congressional Elections are all about organization, and last time, the Shaolins were simply more organized than us. But it won't happen again.

First Order of Business: Don't Waste Votes
A list will be published on the day of Congressional Elections saying who has qualified in each region! Last time, Lynari got 23 votes, and Arschmann got 0 votes. Both got in.

So before you vote, check the list. Think before you vote!
And one last thing, if a user has this avatar, don't vote for them!

Second Order of Business: Move From Romandie!
Last time, the Shaolins got so many congress members because they practically got 10 free seats in Graubunden! Don't let that happen again! You can only vote in the region where you are currently residing, so...

Or Swizzera Italiana. Remember, you can move back after you vote! Contact me for free moving tickets.

Third Order of Business: The Official List

There are many fine parties who are submitting candidates, among them the Majestic 12 and Swiss Freedom Party. However, this list is simply for the SLP members, who want to know a little bit more about the people they're voting for.
If you are running in the SLP, don't panic! You can either contact me to be added to the list, but that is risky, as we may not have enough space for you. A quick and easy solution would be to run from the Swiss Freedom Party, another party that is representing the Swiss People.


LiquidSnake3 is a loyal Swiss politician who has independent ideals, and will represent Switzerland as best he can.

Trurl is a free thinker, and has incredible foresight. He has plenty of experience as a congressman of Switzerland. If you want a trustworthy candidate, he’s the guy.

lukededuke is an experienced Swiss congressman who, who has represented the SLP on many occasions.

pdiddy is one of the liberators of Switzerland, who, so long ago, fought to free this country from foreign occupation. Now, almost a year later, he has returned to deliver this country from decadence and corruption.

Stephen Blackrose is an intelligent thinker, who has great plans for Switzerland. He is ready to see Switzerland once again become a powerful and influential nation.

AlexanderRM has experience with Swiss economics, and I have heard he’s a great guy.

Arsonik Zinc, though mostly unknown in Swiss politics, has been around for a very long time. He’s a neutral and informative source of information, and will vote for what he thinks if right for Switzerland, rather than what outside sources tell him to do.


Who doesn’t know Paul Proteus? As a former congressman and vMoE, he knows what to do. Vote for him, or else Kenny dies!

Qzman’s an old Swiss liberator, who’s frankly a whole lot smarter than I am. He uses a lot of big words, and personally, he’s the kind of guy I would vote for.

I’ve talked with Erik Zimmerman on many occasions, and I can honestly say that if you want a dedicated candidate, he would be the one! He’s also ready to represent Switzerland on the international level.

Tristan has recently published his first article (ha ha ha, another victory for the Swiss Media Program!), and has shown his ability as a clear thinker and a great writer. He’s full of fresh ideas, and seems totally awesome.

Sme3dy’s probably the funniest guy I’ve ever met. ‘Nuff said.

Zillable is Swiss, loyal, and a PENGUIN! He hates cheating and actually has ideas for taxes and the Swiss GDP. He represents progress!

Okay, I admit. I have absolutely no idea who this guy is. But his name is awesome, and that’s good enough for me.


JNArno is the man who won the presidential elections. Move to Graubunden just to vote for him! He’s one of the guys who liberated Switzerland, and he also has the added bonus of being able to see into the future!

Karamoko grew up in a time of civil and political unrest in Switzerland. Despite these setbacks, he has emerged as one of the leaders of the new generation of Switzerland. If you are new to Switzerland, look to Karamoko as a guiding light, the one that has prevailed against the ever present darkness.

Cooldude97 is really cool. I mean, you don’t understand how cool he is. Yeah. He’s that cool.

Super experienced SLP congressman who has been around since I was a wee little baby. She’s awesome.

confero is an SLP candidate who has been congressman many times. He is like a guard dog, protecting Switzerland not only from foreign threat, but also internally.

F4uc0n is a leader of the Resistance who has always been here. He’s willing to fight, negotiate, anything that it takes for the free eSwitzerland.

Stranger Here Myself is a radical, cannot tolerate the Shaolins, and hates seeing Switzerland under Russian control. He will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to free Switzerland.

MatschMoon is an experienced and dedicated candidate. He has helped new players to rise up to their full potential, and has experience as a company owner.

No words can describe this heavenly gift. Penguin4512 is simply the best of the best (oh, and did we mention he was humble, too?).

Well, now you know who's running, and remember, vote in Graubunden or Swizzera Italiana! Check the list before you vote! And remember, BE PENGUIN!