We Are the Oldest Flag On Earth

Day 207, 19:21 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Dear Comrades

You are wondering where I've been. I've been waiting. Biding my time. For the time is near. We will have our independence one way or another. Oh no, I have not forgotten. Even in my continued lack of public appearances I was still getting PM's from various people pledging their support to the cause of Denmark.

Denmark, an old nation. We fought in the crusades, in Estonia, when our flag Dannebrog fell from the heavens. This flag was the oldest flag in the world. Now it's a flag that can only be seen in the hearts and eyes of its people. While the cruel (and unoriginal) colors and flag of Sweden wave over our city and country, over our King and sovereignty. Over the scum that settled here to control us.

WE WILL NOT HAVE IT. I warn you Swedes who reside here in the lands of former Denmark. We will have our country back, perhaps through peaceful negotiation, perhaps through war. But when we do, if you are so unlucky as to still be living here, well your head will just be another fruit on the branches of the TRAITOR'S TREE. The same goes for you Scherf, just in case you think I've forgotten about you.

I will make the cause of Denmark one that cannot be forgotten. We will chase the Swedes from our country, except those that help us of course.

I will set up a commission of people to review the issue of our collaborators. This group of people, this jury will be called the Circle and will be required to investigate to which degree various people voluntarily collaborated. They will judge the person in absentia and the punishment will be the same, always death.

* I've had to work intensively on my studies, and well after that I had to work full time. Now that the hard stuff is over I am back to invest my energy fully into Erepublik once again. I'm afraid I missed the Nobel Peace Prize though. And I've heard that A. Holst has made the most delightful movies, I simply can't wait to watch those and will do so after finishing this article. I recommend that you all do so as well if you've missed them. Anyone care to update me on current events in the last 14 days? Is the fight for freedom module released? Any wars? How did the Party Elections go? I remember logging on and being surprised that they were happening (and I logged on an hour before they ended thankfully.)

Through bureaucracy Denmark will prevail!