Wasted Gold

Day 863, 00:31 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter


Yes, it is only costing the Canadian government 1.00 CAD to place the new Q5 hospital in Manitoba.

Yes, Gary Doer has every right to spend his money as he wills. It *is* his money, afterall. But purchasing a hospital or placing it somewhere is only 1 individual's privilege - and he must get close to 600 votes or more, one day of the month to earn that privilege.

But from the perspective of the Canadian economy, and while we are in V1, 240 GOLD is a lot of money for something that very few people will use. The current Canadian government, like ones before it, have either poured its own money, or the money of its own citizens, down the proverbial drain. The few citizens who will use it, in my haughty opinion, makes the cost per person using it, exorbitantly high.

The government should have denied Gary Doer his request - whether or not it is the 'politically correct' thing to do. They have the power to, and the admins have designed the game with this in mind, giving this power to the executive branch of government, as to where or even if a hospital should be placed. They have that power - they should use it. Instead, government after government, has failed to produce and live by a plan or policy for hospital placements. If we had limited ourselves to X number of hospitals, instead of bowing to special interest groups, imagine the extra finances we'd have in our economy. Imagine the extra gold we'd have saving up for V2. Instead, we have 7 hospitals - and probably 8 by this time tomorrow! And what to show for it? Only 3 of those 7 (and likely 4 of 8, ie the Q5 hospitals) are probably being used at all, since the hospital change instituted by the admins.

No, this policy which government after government has implemented - eerr lack of policy - has hamstrung itself, preventing itself from being as pro-active as it could have been to the coming V2 changes. Each government - and here I mean both the executive and the legislative for granting the request of the executive - has been more interested in pleasing the people (rea😛 special interest groups, philanthropists) than making the tough decisions that aren't always as popular.

Kudos to the 3 brave souls (thus far) who have voted not to place this hospital. Sadly, you'll be in the minority.

Let the flaming begin.