WAR [Update NE China]

Day 1,224, 09:06 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Irvan Putra
Indonesia, WA Region Page: http://www.erepublik.com/en/region/Western-Australia
Brazil, Kwazulu Natal (http://www.erepublik.com/en/region/KwaZulu-Natal)
Brazil, Eastern Cape (http://www.erepublik.com/en/region/Eastern-Cape)

Any congressman / president want to propose Natural Enemy with Brazil?

Looking around Indonesia's border...

Unfortunately, we have Natural Enemy with Thailand...

Wait a minute, that was 7 days ago!

Perfect, can we have a Brothers' War? Actually, I don't want brothers' war (and BIA never die!), so how about we go find another war to go?

Update: By suggestions, we can pursue extra resource at Australia regions, so propose Natural Enemy with Australia?

or have Natural Enemy with Phillipines, since they NE us? They did let China attacked us and after we have counterattacked Phillipines we can have Natural Enemy with China. Revenge is best served cold xD

Update2: Sorry for everyone who feel bad with this article. For transparency purpose I will not delete it, but be assured that I feel bad too. Thank you for your understanding

Update3: Indonesia are going to have Natural Enemy with China \o/
