War Rages On, PEACE in Turmoil

Day 681, 15:13 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

There has been a string of Resistance Wars in PEACE-held regions over the last few days, and although few of them have had any real chance of success, it points out growing strains in their empire.Arguably the to most important imperialistic gains of the mighty Indonesian empire, Western Australia and Western Siberia, were the most noticeable battles, although there was no chance for either to be conquered by the RW's, and neither has started another attempt. Though futile at this point, these RW's show exactly how strained this Imperial Nation is internally.

Meanwhile in Europe, the UK continues to block the Scandinavian nations, while Finland is keeping open battles against Russia to ensure that no real damage can be done to our allies in this region. Th UK has absolutely no chance whatsoever to take any of these regions from our allies, so no worries on the back-stabber's front. At this point, as long as the Russians are held at bay by the Finish blocking tactics, no ground should be switching hands in Scandinavia any time soon.

And finally, at home we have launched an attack against Hungarian-held Saskatchewan. To all Americans who have not yet fought today, please fight her now. So far the battle is not going well, with the wall over 450k above secure. We have to put a lot of effort into this now. We can still win it if we start trying. Even if we do not win, we can at least put up a good fight against Hungary.

Keep up the good fight America! This war is still far from over, even if the fronts have slowed a bit.

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!