War Machine

Day 838, 13:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

the eUK has seen constant battle for over 4 months, excluding the past ten days. with South africa now under the control of PTOers, we will see another week or so of constant training battles. What does this mean? This means 3 things, 1) higher ranks for the whole eUK, 2) higher citizen retention, strength, and working skill since people are interested by the war, and 3) an active fluid moving war machine with ton more power then it had.

The only thing the eUK has now is war. There is no industry other then housing which will crumble soon. The Ministry of Work has ha to hire almost 250 noobs because theres no 0 skill level jobs. Manufacturing wages are less then 2 gbp up to skill level 6, and taxes still sit at 30 percent. So how do you thrive at a time like this? Join the military. With manufacturing Jobs paying nothing, almost every manufacturing worker will make more money(admittedly payed in guns) if they join the navy. At current wages, i'd get more a month from a hard worker medal, then 3 months of pay. In the navy i get 5 gold in wages and guns a month, or three times more then i get in the private sector. In short, i get pid more in the navy, and i get to level up more because they move me to fight, and i am helping my country.

On top of that, i get to be part of the great British war machine. Now one of the most formidable forces in the eWorld. Whilst we don't have the amount of people poland has, we do however have a lot of strength per man. Meaning that for the same amount of money, to get 10000 guys to attack, we can use 1000 and get close to their damage. It is awesome

In short, I suggest joining the navy,
it benefits you!