War is over

Day 257, 00:29 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

After long and fierceful battles with the turks, it's finally over. There were massive casualties taken by our soldiers and allies, but we resisted and won . This would have been possible if the soldiers from FAR and all other soldiers from different countries wouldn't have fought even with bare hands with the almos god-like due to infinite financing turks.
I wonder how their economy stand, because there have been HUGE expenses and no forthcoming result, in two words: money throwed.

I would like to dedicate a portr for all the soldiers which in my oppinion each and everyone had a very substantial efort on winning this war.

My Hero

My Hero is Many,
My Hero is One.
My Hero Proudly Holds a Gun.
My Hero Fights,
My Hero Kills,
My Hero Falls Out in the Field.
My Hero Laughs,
My Hero Cries,
My Hero Tries and Tries and Dies.
My Hero is Dirty,
My Hero is Smart,
My Hero Charges Towards the Front.
My Hero's a Soldier,
My Hero's a Marine,
My Hero's A Sailor Riding Across the Seas.
My Hero's an Airman,
My Hero Sacrifices,
My Hero Loves.
My Hero is Mine, Yours and Anyone Who Cares.

Nathan Kraft

And now let's drink for the ending and for a new beggining , one that war will not be an option, where people can live toghether, where economy flourishies, where things will be better.

Veni, vidi, vici- Julius Caesar