War Continues: Serbia Makes Move

Day 773, 14:01 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

We have all been watching this complex war raging over the past couple of weeks, and there seems to be no end in sight. So far each side has had its share of wins and losses. Poland is having great success in Germany with the help of its new babies, Spain has annihilated France's power base in Paris, and Hungary is taking serious ground from Romania.

Starting in Northern-Western Europe, it looks as if Poland and Spain will share a common border in a few days. With France and Germany's MPPs being kept busy elsewhere, as well as France being internally destroyed, these two powerhouses will likely win the wars they are currently involved in. Germany simply cannot stand up against the population of Poland on its own, and France is broke. France spent almost all its gold trying to defend Paris, their most vital region. With the loss of Paris, France has lost its entire economy and population base, and can no longer survive without MPPs in a battle. Italy is also in a tough spot against Spain, but you do have to admire them for sticking up for an ally, even if they can't win.

Romania is in some trouble itself. It recently lost a vital region, Transylvania, to Hungary. However, unlike France or Germany, this actually poses a great threat to Hungary. A large chunk of Romania's population, old and powerful players, are now stuck behind Hungarian lines. The Huns know this, as a RW in any Hungarian region will be in danger of winning with Romanians fighting for it. With Hello Kitty always on their minds, the Huns will likely be cautious in coming days as they make attempts to progress further into Romania. And despite losing two important regions, Romania is still putting up a hard fight against Hungary in today's battles.

To the South, Greece has been slowly raising the wall in Crete over the past few hours. The Greeks seem to be able to hold their own with allied support against the plethora of MPPs that Turkey has against them. Initially the Turkish offensive looked unstoppable, as the first battle in Aegean Islands was easily won by the Turks. However, their advance seems to have stalled, as their allies' damage is being directed to other battles.

In a strange move to the south, South Africa is attacking several Brazilian regions in the continent. These are very unlikely to succeed, and one has to wonder why South Africa would not agree to let Australia region-swap with them to eliminate Brazil with their MPPs.

In South-East Asia, Sol is having great success in thwarting the Indonesian advance into Malaysia. The powerful Indonesia is having real difficulty coming over the small nations 15 MPPs, and it appears that this will be a repeat of their previous attempt to take over Malaysia, which completely failed just over a month ago.

Finally, Serbia seems to be making a move in all of this commotion. The massive land-bridge build by Pakistan a few days ago has been confirmed to be a path for Serbia to make its way down to Asia, and most likely to challenge the eUS in Karnataka. The eUS has begun fortifying this region, moving in soldiers to build up the wall and adding double Q5's to the region. The Serbian's have been greatly slowed by a series of RWs that will likely continue for about a week before Serbia can successfully obtain a border with India, so action on this front will likely take a while to come about.