War brings out the best in people... [UPDATE]

Day 604, 20:02 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
Update: Vote this up http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/important-announcement-1-861908/1/20#comments

... and it brings out the worst in us, too.

This article is not written to scold anyone. This article is not written to praise anyone. This article is written to inform the citizens.

First, let's get a few links out of the way:

1) If you have a twitter, check mine (twitter.com/Harrison_USWP) and retweet my message to Stephen Colbert. It's fun and it's a way to get some exposure, perhaps
2) Digg Emerick's new post: http://digg.com/playable_web_games/eRepublik_The_New_World_Online_Social_Strategy_Game_2
3) Join the US Air Force. Really, we need every vote we can get. Put politics aside for a bit. http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cjF1WUtYcjcwVF9mSWVHVkRmQ2FaQUE6MA
4. Download Publius' script: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/50385

OK, let's get to the meat of this article. The USA is being invaded right now. So far, we've lost no regions.. good job, USA! However, this is the start of a long war and our friends to the north, Canada, have lost regions. In fact, they have lost far too much in this war. We need to change some things. What can we do? We can fight, we can defend Canada from PTO's, and we can win a war of attrition. We have great allies, and we must fight side by side with them. We must follow orders when given. If someone says not to fight until your last login.. gosh, please, do it! We're not trying to f**k with you, it really is for the best of the nation. If you don't know where to fight, PM someone! I answer nearly every PM I get.

We cannot panic. We may lose a region. We may lose more than one region. America is strong, we're just being tested. Consider this your final exam, America. Pass and you become nationally prominent. Fail and you're gone.. forever.

Spread this word around. Our biggest power is our citizens. Fight in wars and recruit your friends. USA has some godly amount of internet users.. why can't we get people to register? Seriously. Spread the link to some friends.. you get gold if they reach level 6, so it is in your interest too.

I must encourage each and every citizen to join the US Air Force. There is not a more important branch of the military right now

Tradition Pictures

I have no idea who these girls are.. but they are American. They get my vote.
