War analytics 6

Day 614, 09:02 Published in USA Russia by sasha238

Hi all.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
This article is second of my international series, devoted to the analysis fights of WW3. As is known, the success of any case can be reinforced and strengthened by his analysis. I chose USA as the second country in my cycle, because it has assumed the brunt of the war. I think sometimes you can win, and sometimes you can lose. It is not bad. It gives a chance for thinking about mistakes. This allows you to avoid them in future.

Already two weeks with my colleagues we are developing a system for analyzing battles. Currently it is prototype.
There are not many battles in our statistics. But some details can be found now.
We believe you will be interested in information about the battles.

It is an honor to have a strong enemy. And you are a strong enemy.

The last Battle USA vs Russia

Other USA vs … battles.

USA-Russia War
Alaska I
Alaska II
Washington State
Montana I
Utah I
Oregon I
Montana II
Wyoming I
Nevada I
North Dakota
Oregon II
Nevada II
Utah II
Wyoming II

USA-Indonesia War

USA-France War
Nova Scotia
Manitoba I
Manitoba II