Day 657, 12:41 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

After the disappearance last week of Scipio The Great, the candidate of the red submarine coalition and the one chance this country had to break free from the tyrannical grip of a ruthless cabal, many questions and suspicions were made over if any of his rivals had anything to do with his disappearance. We bring you the 10 most likely suspects in the mysterious case of this mystery.

10)The Beatles

Issues over plagiarism have arisen in the past and The Beatles are notorious for weirdness. I mean, look at Eleanor Rigby. Face in the jar by the door?

9) Final Destiny

Famous for disappearing, he may have 'forced' a trick or too onto Scipio.

😎 Sheep

Dodgy fellow, known associate of Connor Mawn. 'Nuff said.

7) Malta_1990

Famous for his wrong predictions, could malta_1990 have bumped off Scipio to further his reputation of doom and gloom?

6) John Bartlett

uMoI for many months, now has a chance to take the reins after his old boss 'vanished'

5) Widdows9000

Took over at the last minute to run a presidential campaign. Gained a lot, even if it was just experience.

4) GlaDOS

Country president, who might have been defeated by Scipio in the election. Strong ties with PEACE, which is a very big, powerful and influential organisation.

3) Iain Keers

A political fanatic with extremist views, he is devoutly loyal to his party and is a very shady character, with lots of underground contacts and a reputation for getting things done, whatever the cost.

2) Necrosis (GF)

Although quite new to the game, Necrosis' alter ego Glorious Failure was known to be a ruthless dictator who crushed everything and anyone in his path.

1) Scipio The Great

That's right folks! This man is the prime suspect in the investigation, and we must be contacted IMMEDIATELY if you spot him.

I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this, all the people in this article are dangerous and should not be approached under any circumstances. Please get in contact with me if you stumble across any of them in your day to day business.
Updates will follow.
IndieKid, Private Eye