Want to do something to help India?

Day 454, 11:51 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Stuck in some job? Congress, Ministry or NHS role? Most of our active members fill these slots, yet are unable to contribute to the Indian war effort due to the fact they have to remain within the eUK. As of tomorrow, when my gold is released by the bank, I shall be formally be setting up my gift company in India. I have quite enough capital to get myself going initially, but I wondered if there was anything someone wanted to invest? This way, you would be helping India by helping to produce the goods she needs whilst staying in the eUK. You would also make money, and hold shares in my business which I will be looking to expand. Of course, I would sign up a contract with the admins on the official forums to make sure your money was safe. If you do this you will be helping India, yourself and your country. Legion Enterprises is already a created org, all it requires now is a company.

Even if you're not interested, please vote this up so that other people can invest to save a great nation.
IndieKid, GM of Legion Enterprises