Want to Become Immortal? Help Us Out!

Day 696, 12:52 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

The Ministry of Culture and Events is planning to start some new holidays, possibly a festival. In order to do this, we need to hear from you, our fellow citizens. What kind of holidays would you like to see occur in eJapan in the future? Tell us your thoughts and ideas here: http://nipponblog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=969

There is a possibility of up to five new holidays being chosen, so we need lots of ideas to choose from! The winners will have their names immortalized in the hearts and minds of the eJapanese people, as well as in the Wiki regarding the festival! So hurry up and let us know what you're thinking!

~~Ember Firespiral
Minister of Culture and Events