Want a real challenger?

Day 852, 13:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Socialist Party UK

You may have noticed over the past few weeks an increase in activity from the small parties. It's a clear message and one that is loud and getting louder each day. People are getting bored of the same old parties that control the power. They want change, they want fresh ideas, they want new faces with new policies, rather than old faces with old policies dressed up in an odd fashion.

The Socialist Party can't offer you everything, but they can offer you a voice. A voice of fairness and freedom to express views. A voice of change from the old monotone of secure politics. I know the support for the TSP is out there, because I receive messages from members of other parties expressing support, but there is one problem. That problem is we aren't in the top 5 being able to offer people the chance of congress. Recently we looked over the records of some of our most trusted parties and let me assure you the fair offer you're getting .... isn't fair at all.

We can move on up the ladder towards the top 5 but we need your support and your votes to make our message loud and make it heard. Here are a few of our successful campaigns which show we are a modern party, in touch with the issues un-addressed.



Visit the Socialist Party today and what change they can make for you.