Day 1,095, 09:17 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice
VOICE FOR CONGRESS (Pre-candidature)

My Fellow eNew Zealanders,

I am intending to present for the next congressional election as independent candidate in Canterbury.

why independent? among all parties, it is difficult to choose, they all have good programs, and marvelous players, and good friends

My Program
in short

+ I intend to be present. I am always present, in fact hyper-present, you will probably get a reply to any PM In-Game or in-Forum within less than 12 Hours (almost guaranteed-most probably within 4 hours except sleeping-work time)
+ Fair Taxes. Taxes should be optimized for the good of the workers, and business. The goal is not to fill the accounts of the government, but to enrich the citizens. Taxes should be collected only to provide public services
+ Solidarity: Taxes should be given to solidarity also, not only to make MPPs.
+ No laws without discussion. Any proposal not discussed before according to internal laws and according to the good etiquettes of the congress will have my NO vote, even if i happened to agree with.
+ Coordination: with my colleagues to have a powerful congress
+ Listen : to the concerns of workers, businessmen, and above all, the young people.
+ Push forward the discussion about our MPPs and future wars (important for our experience, and for our markets)

Now i will be looking for a top 5 party that accept me presenting under their banner, for the time being i had some positive response(s)

your voice in the congress !
a voice that will never be mute !

VV => Vote Voice

EDIT: I will be presenting in Canterbury under the banner of PnPP