Day 669, 10:57 Published in Canada Canada by Mighty Zontar

'Salus populi supremus principismus est'
Paraphrase of Cicero: 'The good of the people is the supreme principle' (as in what's good for The People ... the original is 'suprema lex' .. apologies for bad Latin if 'supremus princismus' is wrong)

Archaean, eCanadian friend to VoxPop and MZ, its Editor, earlier today informed The Editor that he was working for Bite Lumber, a firm that produces wood and that sells it into several markets. One of those markets is an enemy one: the eUK.

For this reason, The Editor has resigned from Bite Lumber, albeit on with some regret and at some personal cost. Bite Lumber, to its credit, kept The Editor's wages above average after a precipitous drop in eCanadian average wages in the 'gathering' sector.

If Bite Lumber were to renounce selling into the eUK, VoxPop would recognize Bite Lumber to be a Good Employer. However, until Bite Lumber's sales policy aligns itself with that of the nation that harbours it, VoxPop cannot and will not do so.

VoxPop and its Editor thank Archaean; and they recognize his intervention to be commendable. For this reason, it is hereby entered into VoxPop's Roster of Distinguished Deeds.

MZ, The Editor
VoxPop - The Voice of Reason and Integrity