VoxPop grants first Recognition Award

Day 669, 15:42 Published in Canada Canada by Mighty Zontar

VoxPop - The Voice of the People, has awarded it's respected VoxPop Recognition Award to eCanadian citizen Archaean.

Archaean's bio

Archaean set VoxPop's Editor straight by pointing out that he was working for Bite Lumber, an eCanadian company that produces wood and that sells some into the enemy eUK market. The Editor acknowledged that such was the case, and he promptly quit.

Archaean ... eCanadian of Virtue. Hail ... HAIL!!!

MZ, The Editor
VoxPop - The Voice for Virtue

P.S. The Editor also wrote to Bite Lumber to explain his action, and to express his gratitude for Bite Lumber's maintaining his wage at above-market level after market wages had dropped precipitously.

VoxPop considers Bite Lumber to be an honourable company that has an undesirable policy of trading into enemy markets. VoxPop thus encourages Bite Lumber AND OTHER eCANADIAN COMPANIES to rejoin the ranks of virtue by ceasing sales to The Enemy.