VoxPop Condemns 'Kosovo is Serbia' Petition

Day 679, 15:29 Published in Canada Canada by Mighty Zontar

Petition - Kosovo is Serbia

This Greek ORTHODOX (!!!) Canadian says that Serbia's murderous regime of the 1990s successfully justified the secession of all Yugoslavian Republics (excpet itself, but including majority-Serb Montenegro!) and a large segment of its own territory.

Sorry, folks ... Kosovars wanted freedom from oppressors who ran Serbia in the 1990s (and who wouldn't allow them to learn the language that around 90% of Kosovars call their own), and they got their freedom.

To eSerbs who say that 'Kosovo is Serbia' ... think about what you're saying, hang your head in shame, and keep a decent silence. Bing-bang-pow works in pre-modern societies; it is NOT OK in modern, civilized Europe.


MZ, Greek-ORTHODOX Canadian Editor
VoxPop - The Voice of Humane Righteousness

P.S. And to other 'Orthodox' players ... think of what 'Kosovo is Serbia' means. MZ