Vote Smarter! Vote Grimstone!

Day 989, 07:02 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz
Vote Smarter, Vote Grimstone

I urge you all to vote smarter by voting for GRIMSTONE!!! Stadler City is a PTO Multi Vote Candidate. He is illegal and is not wanted by the legitimate citizens of eSouth Africa!

We hope by combining our efforts to vote for a trustworthy, legitimate candidate who won’t screw us over, we will be on the road to build a stronger, brighter more prosperous eSouth Africa by making sure Stadler City is kept out of the voting seat. He will exploit eSouth Africa and take the glory and money for himself. This is why it is essential to vote Grimstone!

Why Grimstone over the over Candidates?
A democratic forum vote was held in our national forums and Grimstone won by a clear majority. Champinator his opposition supports Grimstone win over him.

Vote Grimstone, PLEASE!!!

President of eSouth Africa