Vote SledDog In Saskatchewan - It's An Affair Of The Heart

Day 705, 11:30 Published in Canada New Zealand by SledDog


I`ve stated my platform. I`ve written about the problems facing people trying to gain citizenship in a country that they`ve always been a part of, in spirit if not in fact. I`m a real world native son of Saskatchewan (wasn't that Roughriders game yesterday a nail-biter) and while that doesn't mean much in the game, the fact that I rushed to get my name in reflects my love of this place even if I have to go to Alberta in order to work and fight effectively - and isn't that the old story. I've been elected to Congress twice, and I've done the best that I could to represent the people who voted for me, and the people of all of Canada. This election might be the most important one for me though because Saskatchewan is where my heart lies. I'm asking for your votes
